In 2024, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Lecco section of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club), many conferences, excursions and meetings will be offered.

The next scheduled events are:

19 May: “Come nasce e come si mantiene una falesia”, meeting with Delfino Forment
19 May: Concert tribute to Rino Gaetano with the group “FABBRICANDO CASE” and inauguration of the historical photographic exhibition at the Stoppani Refuge.
22 May: “Il 22 maggio 1874 nasce il CAI Lecco”, an evening celebrating CAI Lecco’s birthday.

5 June: ‘The mountain and its fragility: reflections in the footsteps of Antonio Stoppani’. Conference on the relevance of the scientific approach to mountain problems in the era of climate change.
16 June: “Raduno sezionale 150° CAI Lecco”.
30 June: “Il respiro della danza” (The breath of dance), acrobatic dance performance in the trees.

12 July: Ragni in Patagonia tra 2023 e 2024: cinque spedizioni per il 50° del Cerro Torre e il 150° del CAI Lecco ”.
13 and 14 July: “Torre di Arrampicata”, an activity for children.

20 and 21 September: “Archivi per la montagna”, conference.
28 September and 5 October: “In montagna a quattro zampe”, guided excursion.

9 November: lecture “Terre di ghiaccio: un mondo in rapida evoluzione”.
15 November: lecture “Spedizione Cerro Torre 1970: preludio di un successo”.

Discover the programme here.

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