Scenario festival
From 11 July to 12 July 2025
The performance, which will involve the In Corde Chordis orchestra from Lecco and the JugendGitarrenOrchester from Hamburg, is promoted by the Istituto Civico Giuseppe Zelioli of Lecco.
The two ensembles will first play separately and then together, bringing to the stage the notes of Bach, Abba and ACDC, as well as the music of Astor Piazzolla and famous soundtracks.
The JugendGitarrenOrchester, founded in 2006, is actively engaged in the promotion of music among young people through workshops, coaching, master classes and concerts with internationally renowned guitarists, organised as part of the Hamburg Guitar Festival, as well as through an extensive information offer on the national exchange platform GitarreKonkret.
In Corde Chordis, on the other hand, was founded in 2022 as an integral part of the educational offerings of the Civic School of Music, and represents a new musical reality in the city of Lecco.
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