Square and monument to Antonio Stoppani
A tribute to a great abbot and geologist from Lecco
A tribute to a great abbot and geologist from Lecco
The protector of sailors who gives apples to children
A journey amidst architecture, art and culture
A place steeped in history that dominates the surrounding landscape
A memorial to the event that inspired Manzoni
The “house on the main road that leads to the church”
The place where the novel The Betrothed begins
The house that welcomed Lucia after she was freed by the Unnamed
Evidence of the changes to the city of Lecco, from the fortified village to today
Evidence of the time when Lecco was a fortified village
A journey of discovery of the life of the famous writer of I promessi sposi
Ask us, we will give you suggestions and directions to enjoy the city and the surrounding area to the fullest.
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