Farewell, ye mountains rising from the waters, and pointing to the heavens! Ye varied summits, familiar to him who has been brought up among you, and impressed upon his mind as clearly as the countenance of his dearest friends! ye torrents, whose murmur he recognizes like the sound of the voices of home! ye villages, scattered and glistening on the slope, like flocks of grazing sheep! Farewell! How mournful is the step of him who, brought up amidst your scenes, is compelled to leave you!”
A. Manzoni, The Betrothed 

After visiting the narrow streets of the Pescarenico district, continue south, following in the tracks of Alessandro Manzoni. Along the cycle/pedestrian path that leads to Rivabella, between Via Battello and Via Buozzi, the place of the epic Farewell to the mountains can be reached.

Here, a plaque commemorates the night of the flight of the main characters of The Betrothed from Lecco, the city of their birth. From here, the surrounding landscape can be contemplated as visitors are transported by the melancholic words of Lucia, immersed in the atmosphere of this place. 

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