Olate is a small district that preserves traces of its ancient agricultural vocation in its name.
Despite its limited size, Olate holds many memories and is known, in particular, for being designated by scholars of Manzonian topography (and by the eminent voice of Lecco’s abbot Antonio Stoppani) as the birthplace of The Betrothed: Renzo Tramaglino and Lucia Mondella. 

Their “reputed” house stands in the heart of the district. The bond with the two characters is so well recognised that, in the nineteen sixties, it led to the redefinition and renaming of some of the historic quarters of the district with names and colours that recall Manzoni’s novel. Four new quarters were created in this way called Renzo and Lucia (the colour was yellow and the coat of arms bore the church’s bell tower, a low wall with an entrance arch and the sunburst, that is, the typical “Lombard crown” worn by Lucia), Lo Zucco (red colour and coat of arms of Villa Guzzi), Don Abbondio (green colour and stylised Resegone with the pastoral cross) and I Bravi (blue colour and stylised Resegone behind an arched bridge and a tree). 

Among the many villas seen while crossing the district, Villa Guzzi stands out for its architecture and history. On the summit of the promontory where the building stands, there used to be another villa that tradition identified as Don Rodrigo’s palace, the local squire who opposed the wedding between Renzo and Lucia. 

The Olate district lies on the first faint hints of the hills to the east of the historic centre, lapped by the waters of the river Caldone, which also borders the district to the south-east. The origin of the name: the ancient name of Olate was Volate, due to its closeness to the river Caldone: indeed, some scholars claim the name derives from the Latin term Vadum, that is, “ford”, while others associate it with the word Caldone, known in ancient times as Volone.
Quarters: Cabadone, Camarcadone, Cabagaglio and Colle dello Zucco.
Inhabitants’ nickname: “Meglascétt”, a diminutive of “melgasc”, that is, “corn stem”.
Not to be missed: A visit to the parish church dedicated to the Saints Vitale and Valeria and a tour of the Manzonian places: the “reputed” house of Lucia Mondella and Villa Guzzi. The latter stands out among the equally splendid villas that dot the Olate district.

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