The Tracce Association is an association of qualified tourist guides that has been operating for more than 20 years in the provinces of Lecco and Como, and for some years also in the provinces of Milan and Monza Brianza. The association offers guiding and tourist accompaniment services both in Italian and in foreign languages (French, German, English).   

The quality of the services, always customised according to the age group and the needs of school and tourist groups, is the hallmark of the guides, who work with passion and competence.  The objective is to recount the naturalistic and historical-artistic treasures of the Lombardy region in its most hidden and least known corners.   

The visits can be enriched, on request, with educational workshops, gastronomic and cultural itineraries, walking or cycling tours and excursions with private boats and taxi-boats, to offer unforgettable experiences. 

The Tracce Association has collaborated with the Province of Lecco on the Cloister Route project, which began in 2003, with the realisation of some guided tours of the S. Maria del Lavello complex in Calolziocorte, with the Municipality of Lecco in 2019 and 2021 for itineraries in the Lecco area, and with the Comunità Montana Lario Orientale-Valle San Martino.   

Some of the Association’s guides offered free visits to the participants of the University of the Third Age of Lecco and other associations and public and private non-profit organisations in the Lecco area, such as Mac and Artimedia, in order to enhance and make known the treasures of the area and to promote a human and cultural exchange that is enriching for both guides and users.     

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