One of the most important religious sites in Lecco is the Monastery and Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Lavello in Calolziocorte on the banks of the Adda river. This complex, made up of a church and two courtyard buildings, dates back to 1486 when the Order of Servants of Mary began building on existing ruins.

The church has a gabled facade with a 16th or 17th century fresco, a single nave with pointed arches and barrel vaults. Along the left side is a chapel, while there is a choir supported by columns on the counter-facade.

The smaller cloister, thought to have been built in 1510, has an elegant portico with columns on two sides. Renovations in 1566 added the pantry, the kitchen, the Chapter House, the refectory and a main courtyard, featuring a portico with stone columns and ribbed vaults.

This site is the starting point of the Cloister Route, an international cultural and religious itinerary that links the province of Lecco, Güssing in Austria and Leipzig in Germany. The route aims to tell the story of European history and identity through shared cultural roots and promote the cultural, religious, and environmental heritage of these territories.

Today, the splendid buildings of the Monastery of Santa Maria del Lavello are used to host public and private events in an atmosphere that takes visitors back in time.

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