The Vie del Viandante are a group of twelve routes along an international historical trail around 220 kilometres long, combining culture and nature, incredible views, opportunities to practice sports and wellness. This group of trails connects the San Bernardino Pass to Milan, crossing the picturesque Mesolcina Valley and the Valchiavenna and skirting the enchanting shores of Lake Como and the banks of the River Adda. 

Among the twelve Vie del Viandante, the Sentiero del Viandante stands out: this route retraces an ancient mule track along the eastern shore of Lake Como, from Lecco to Sorico, and can be walked in both directions. 

The Sentiero del Viandante is divided into 4 or 6 stages: 

Lecco-Lierna (17.5 km)
Lierna-Varenna (9 km)
Varenna-Dervio (9.6 km)
Dervio-Colico (13.5 km)
Colico-Sorico (11.5 km) 

The evolution of this route is the result of a combination of different roads and changes made over the years. Although its origins date back to Roman times, according to studies by local historian Pietro Pensa it does not have the typical characteristics of a Consular road.

It was used by wayfarers and pilgrims over the centuries and evidence of ancient structures for accommodation and refreshment can still be found along the Sentiero del Viandante. When plague struck in the 15th century, the Dukes of Milan suggested this road as a safe alternative for pilgrims coming from Bellinzona. In the Napoleonic era, it was a very important link between Milan and Valtellina and some sections were upgraded, known as the “Strada Napoleona” (Napoleon’s Road). 

After the construction of the military road to the Stelvio, this route lost its strategic importance. The old “Strada del Viandante” was rediscovered in 1992 and renovated for tourists, offering hikers an unforgettable experience in the midst of history, nature and culture. 

Some of the stages of the Sentiero del Viandante have significant height differences, with steep inclines and sometimes uneven ground, while others are less challenging and shorter, suitable for families and children on day hikes. The railway line along the eastern shore of Lake Como means the Sentiero del Viandante is easily reached by hikers from all over Italy. The trail is accessible at all times of the year, except when it snows at low altitudes. 


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