The “Anello dei laghi” is a cycling route around the two lakes of Garlate and Olginate. The twenty-kilometre trail starts in Lecco city centre and offers a unique cycling experience over both dirt and paved roads, passing through beautiful mountains and lakes, as well as many cultural places of interest.

The path is well-signed so it is easy to follow and suitable for people of all fitness levels. Numerous rest stops are provided for taking a break and enjoying the landscape.

After leaving Lecco and cycling along the Adda river towards Milan, the first stop is the Pescarenico district. The church of the former Capuchin monastery and the charming Piazza Era, home to some fine restaurants, are well worth a visit.

The trail continues along the left bank to Lake Garlate and Vercurago, the location of the remains of the Castle of the Unnamed and the Sanctuary of San Girolamo, both settings in Manzoni’s famous novel “The Betrothed.”

The route then heads towards Calolziocorte on Lake Olginate, where the Monastery of Santa Maria del Lavello can be admired, before crossing the former railway bridge of Lavello.

The second part of the route continues along the shores of Lake Olginate and arrives at Garlate, the site of the Abegg Civic Museum of Silk.

The trail then crosses the Azzone Visconti Bridge before heading back to Lecco along the lakeside.

This route is accessible all year round.

Work is in progress between the Rivabella locality and the Bione sports centre. The work will take place in five phases, one for each section of the track. In each of the phases an alternative route will be identified for users of the cycle-pedestrian path, while from 21 November to 12 December 2024 the path will be completely closed to traffic.

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