The Germanedo district stands at the foot of the Comera valley and is crossed by the river Bione (its southern border) and the Borra stream. 

Germanedo is a district lying at the foot of the hills that lead to the Magnodeno and Resegone mountains, the latter immortalised in the famous opening line of Alessandro Manzoni’s The Betrothed. Given its particular position, the district is an important gateway to some of the most spectacular mountain destinations of the territory. 

In ancient times, the area of Germanedo was devoted to agriculture, especially farming silkworms, to the point of being one of the most important centres in Lucco for silk production. In the nineteenth century, major spinning mills operated here, the old buildings of which today house new activities of various kinds. The district’s historic centre, with its road network, is located behind the Alessandro Manzoni Hospital past the church dedicated to Saints Cyprian and Justina. Walking towards the mountains and following the course of the Bione river, the Madonna della Rovinata is reached, a small sanctuary that watches over the district from on high, the square in front of which offers an evocative balcony overlooking Lecco. The name “Rovinata” and the building of the sanctuary are owed to an event deemed miraculous. Around the middle of the nineteenth century, a small chapel stood here that, one night, emerged unscathed from a disastrous landslide. It was therefore decided to build a sanctuary, thanks to the generosity of the community and pilgrims. 

The origin of the name: the origin of the name “Germanedo” is uncertain. Some scholars believe it is due to the abundant presence in these areas of people originally from Germany in the distant past. Others, however, claim the name may derive from the Latin word germinetum (germination), which suggests a fertile place.
Quarters: Paese, Cesura, Eremo, Belfiore, Villaggio and Neguggio.
Inhabitants’ nickname: the nickname of its inhabitants is “grata sass” or “sgarì sass”. The playful name can be translated as “stone scratchers” and indicates that, digging in the territory of Germanedo, only stones would be found!

Not to be missed: A trek to the sanctuary of the Madonna della Rovinata, from where Lecco can be admired from on high, and a visit to the church dedicated to Saint Cyprian and Justina.

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