The district that was the setting of the meeting between the Bravoes and Don Abbondio
The district that was the setting of the meeting between the Bravoes and Don Abbondio
A small rural site transformed into an industrial area
The Valle dei Merli district
The district where Lecco castle used to stand
A special architectural project for the church dedicated to the patron saint of workers
The district of Manzoni’s Unnamed
Literature, faith and art in a place steeped in history
The place where the conversion of the Unnamed took place
The parish church of the two main characters of The Betrothed
The Villa of the man who blocked the marriage of Renzo and Lucia
Discovering the setting of the famous passage from The Betrothed
The district of the “stone scratchers” crossed by the river Bione
Lucia’s house in rione Acquate, now a wine bar
Tangible evidence of Lecco’s primacy in the industrial field
A natural panoramic amphitheatre among the rocks
The district of the Milanese Scapigliatura movement
The district where the alleyways still “speak” a language from the past
The birthplace of Renzo and Lucia
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